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译锐双语-为什么乌克兰的首都现在叫做‘Kyiv’而不是 ‘Kiev’?
发布时间:2022-03-02 作者:yirui 点击:701

When Russia initially invaded Ukraine last week, one of its primary targets was the country’s capital and most populous city—which most English-language news outlets used to call “Kiev.” In recent reports, however, it’s much more common to see or hear “Kyiv.” Here’s the history behind the switch.



As The Guardian explains, Russian and Ukrainian have a lot in common: They’re both east Slavonic languages that use versions of the Cyrillic alphabet. But Ukrainian evolved in its own direction, borrowing from Polish and originating certain pronunciations, letters, and vocabulary. Plenty of Ukrainian words are similar to their Russian counterparts, and the name of Ukraine’s capital city is one of them. In Ukrainian, it’s Київ, which gets Latinized as Kyiv. In Russian, it’s Киев—or, in English, Kiev.


When the Soviet Union controlled the area during the 20th century, it systemically tried to quell Ukrainian culture in favor of Russian culture—a process known as Russification, with origins dating back to the 19th century. This included promoting Russian over Ukrainian language, which is essentially how Kiev became more popular than Kyiv among international audiences. As the Soviet Union unraveled in 1991, Ukraine declared its independence and the country has been working to supplant Kiev with Kyiv ever since.


In 1995, as The Independent reports, the government made Kyiv the official Latinized name for the city; and in 2018, Ukraine’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs kick started a campaign called #KyivNotKiev to encourage the rest of the world to finally make the change official, too. The United States Board on Geographic Names did so in June 2019, and the media has gradually followed suit.


Using Kyiv as the standard spelling is one small way that the world can recognize and validate Ukraine’s independence from Russia, both culturally and politically. It’s the same reason we now say “Ukraine,” rather than “the Ukraine.” The word Ukraine is believed to derive from an old Slavic term for borderland, so the Ukraine loosely translates to the borderland(s), which could give the impression that Ukraine is one peripheral piece of a larger territory—not its own entity.

使用Kyiv作为标准的拼法是一个让世界从文化和政治上承认乌克兰从俄罗斯独立的一个小小举动。而我们现在说“Ukraine”而不是“the Ukraine”,也是同样的道理。Ukraine这个词据称来自于古老的斯拉夫语-“边界”,因此乌克兰大致相当于是“边界”的意思,这可能会让人觉得乌克兰是一片更大的领土的边缘-而非是一个独立的整体。

原文来源:Mental Floss


