Sour Patch Kids are the most popular junk food by state, followed closely by Kit Kat and animal crackers. Take a look at the map below to see which snack brand your home state prefers. Sour Patch Kids(一种耐嚼软糖的品牌)是美国各州最受欢迎的零食,紧随其后的是奇巧(雀巢旗下的巧克力威化品牌)和动物饼干。现在,就通过下面的地图来了解一下你所在的州最青睐哪种零食品牌。 Junk food is a part of American cuisine that transcends state lines. No matter which region of the country you grew up in, you’re likely familiar with snack brands like Oreo, Ruffles, and M&Ms. These processed treats are widely available throughout the U.S., but that doesn’t mean they’re equally beloved everywhere you go. To see which junk food your state prefers, check out the map above. 垃圾食品已经跨越各个州而成为美国食品中不可缺少的一部分。无论你在美国的哪个州长大,相信奥利奥、Ruffles(乐事旗下的一款薯片)和M&Ms这些零食品牌对于你而言都不陌生。这些加工零食在美国各个地方都随处可见,不过这并不代表这些零食在任何地方都受到同样的喜爱。现在,就通过地图来看看不同州都青睐哪些零食。 The research and analytics team at Casinos.com put together this graphic using data from Google Trends. They measured the search volume of 32 popular snacks and candies by state, looking at a year’s worth of trends going back to July 17, 2022. Casinos.com的研究和分析团队利用谷歌趋势中的数据创建了这张统计图。他们以州为单位计算了32种流行零食和糖果的搜索量,并研究了从2022年7月17日开始一整年的相关趋势。 Sour Patch Kids came out on top, dominating searches in seven states; Arizona, California, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan and North Carolina all have a taste for the sour candy, based on Google statistics. Animal crackers and Kit Kat bars are tied for second place. Despite their retro reputation and 200-year-old history, animal crackers are still the most popular junk food in Maine, Missouri, Vermont, and West Virginia. Kit Kats are preferred in Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and New York. 根据谷歌的统计结果,Sour Patch Kids稳居第一,在7个州的搜索趋势中独占鳌头;亚利桑那州、加州、特拉华州、马里兰州、马塞诸塞州、密歇根州和北卡罗莱纳州都对这种酸味糖果青睐有加。动物饼干和奇巧威化并列第二。尽管这两种零食有着200年的历史,动物饼干仍然是缅因州、密苏里州、佛蒙特州和西弗吉尼亚州最爱的零食,而奇巧威化则在内华达州、俄勒冈州、华盛顿州和纽约州倍受青睐。 Heavily processed foods became ubiquitous in America over the last century or so, but the history of many of your favorite snacks goes back further than you may assume. 过度加工的食物在过去的一个世纪左右已经在美国随处可见,但是许多你钟爱的零食品牌的历史久远到超乎你的想象。 ubiquitous:似乎无所不在的;十分普遍的 来源:心理牙线 编辑:译锐君