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发布时间:2020-06-15 作者:admin 点击:156

Can this super-simple device stop virus spreading on airplanes?


上海译锐翻译   2020-6-16    11:31a.m.

It's not flashy or futuristic-looking, but it's simple, cheap and apparently effective: British aircraft interior company RAS Completions says its new personal protection shield could help protect fliers from Covid-19.

它并不浮华,看上去也没有那么富有科技感。相反,它是一款简单、成本低廉并且具有一定显著效果的装置:英国飞机内饰公司RAS Completions表示,这款新型个人防护罩能够防止空中乘客感染Covid-19。

The shield, says RAS Completions, is designed to be installed between seats and doesn't involve taking the middle seat out of action.

RAS Completions表示,这款保护罩在设计上可以直接安装在座椅之间并且中间座椅不会因此而受到任何影响。

The Personal Protection Window is currently seeking approval from the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the company says it'll be ready for airline customers within the next couple weeks.


The shields are designed to protect passengers from the risk of droplet transmission and are made from transparent polycarbonate.


The idea is to produce a "single product that fits every type of commercial aircraft."


RAS Completions

RAS Completions公司

It's mainly designed to aid economy seating, Patron says, as that's where passengers tend to be closest together, but it could also be used in different classes of cabin.


RAS Completions adds that the shields are non-obstructive, so wouldn't prevent emergency evacuation or seat recline.

RAS Completions进一步介绍到,隔离罩为非阻隔式,因此不会对紧急撤离或座椅后仰造成妨碍。

"Simplicity is the best," says Patron. "We tried to make them the simplest, effective way of keeping people safe."


"Our product is very simple to make, it will be cheap, it will do the job -- it's not about the look, although we obviously understand that we want people to feel safe within the cabin."


Keeping costs down


The cost aspect is crucial, says Patron, airlines have suffered financial losses in the wake of the pandemic, and will be keen to come up with solutions to getting passengers back in the sky that don't break the bank.


The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has suggested that taking the middle seat out of service isn't realistic for this reason.


This hasn't stopped some aviation companies suggesting solutions that involve eradicating the middle seat -- including Interspace Lite, from transportation technology company Universal Movement, which envisages a temporarily-blocked-off middle seat and reimagines that seat as a divider.

这一提议并未阻止某些航空公司提出解决方案。这些解决方案包括不把中间的座椅算在内。运输技术公司Universal Movement的设想方案是临时把中间座位封堵住,然后将中间座位作为一个隔离区。

Universal Movement has partnered with airplane seat manufacturer Safran and aims to bring Interspace to market by late summer.

Universal Movement已与飞机座椅制造商Safran展开合作并致力于在夏末将Interspace推向市场。

Meanwhile, Italian company Aviointeriors has suggested a idea of a row of three economy seats with the middle seat facing the opposite way, while French engineer Florian Barjot's concept, PlanBay, also includes a removable piece of kit that could be placed on the middle seat.

与此同时,意大利的一家公司Aviointeriors提出一个想法。在一排有三个座椅的经济舱中,将中间的座椅朝相反方向放置。同时,法国工程师Florian Barjot提出在中间座椅上放置一个可以移除的装置。

The RAS Completions' Personal Protection Window doesn't really offer complete social distancing.

RAS Completions的个人防护罩并没有真正将人们完全隔离开来。

Patron says he's aware that getting travelers comfortable with flying again could be a challenge.


"I think if you had the alternative which was nothing in between you and somebody you didn't know sitting a few inches away from you, I think I, for sure, would feel more secure if I had a little non-intrusive screen which gave me comfort that the airline first of all cared -- and also gave me the opportunity to distance myself from somebody in very close proximity," says Patron.


Because the shields are easy to install and uninstall, Patron says it's also a solution that's adaptable for an ever-changing situation. Ideally, it'll be used alongside face masks and hand sanitizer.


Patron says RAS Completions has been in contact with airlines and some are showing interest, others are remaining cautious and seeing how the market develops.

Patron介绍说,RAS Completions已经在与航空公司接洽并且有些航空公司已经表示感兴趣。其他航空公司仍然比较谨慎并且对市场处于观望态度。

"We see this as a medium, not long term solution," he says.


"It has gone through some very rigorous testing, so if the airline needs it for six months or a year then it's built for that."


文章来源:CNN   编辑:质控部