相信不少人已经领略过或期待领略新西兰的美景吧!今年10月1日,新西兰针对免签国家游客推出办理电子旅游许可的政策,并同时要求所到新旅游的游客缴纳旅游税。 NEW ZEALAND TRAVEL: UK TOURISTS WILL NEED TO PAY FOR AN ETA TO ENTER THE COUNTRY 新西兰旅游局:前往新西兰旅游的英国游客需要花钱办理电子旅行许可 上海译锐翻译 2019-5-20 13:21 British tourists travelling to New Zealand will have to pay for an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA) from 1 October. 从10月1日开始,前往新西兰旅游的英国游客需要花钱办理电子旅行许可。 The Foreign Office issued an updated travel advisory yesterday, stating that British nationals travelling by air or cruise and entering New Zealand “will need to hold an ETA before travelling to New Zealand.” 外国办公室于昨日发布了旅游指南更新。根据最新的旅游指南,乘坐飞机或轮船前往新西兰的英国公民“需要在出发前持有电子旅行许可。” Applications for ETAs will be open from July 2019. Valid for citizens from visa-exempt countries, the digital approval is linked to a traveller’s passport and will be valid for two years (unless the passport expires before then). An ETA costs NZD 9 (£4.60) for mobile applications and NZD 12 (£6.10) for web requests. 电子旅行许可的申请将于2019年7月启动。电子旅行许可适用于免签国公民。许可与游客的护照绑定,有效期为2年(除非护照在这之前过期)。 移动端申请许可证的费用为9新币(折合4.6英镑),网络申请的费率为12新币(折合6.1英镑)。 Alongside the ETA, New Zealand is introducing a tourist tax – the International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy (IVL). 除了电子许可证,新西兰还推出游客税-国际游客环境保护与旅行税(IVL)。 The IVL costs NZD 35 (£17.90) and lasts as long as a corresponding ETA is valid. 游客税的费用为35新币,其有效期与许可证一致。 First mooted in 2018, the tax’s purpose is to ensure tourists “contribute to the infrastructure they use and help protect the natural environment they enjoy,” according to the New Zealand government website. 该项税收政策于2018年首次提出。根据新西兰政府网站的介绍,这项税收政策的目的是确保游客“为他们所使用的基础设施做一点贡献并帮助新西兰保护他们所欣赏到的自然风光”。 With tourism having increased by 8 per cent in 2017, according to New Zealand’s annual report, the surge in tourists combined with the tax is set to be highly profitable. 根据新西兰年报,新西兰旅游业在2017年的涨幅为8%,游客的激增和税费的增收将使新西兰获利颇丰。 The money accumulated by the new tax will be spent on infrastructure for tourists including car parks, toilets and maintenance of hiking trails, as well as conservation projects such as native planting, breeding programmes and predator eradication. It is expected to raise up to NZ$80m (£42m) a year for these projects. 新税收政策所征收的税费将用于新西兰的基础设施,比如停车场、卫生间、徒步路线维护以及自然保护项目,比如本土植物、繁殖项目以及消灭捕食者。新的税收政策预计一年将为这些项目募集到8000万新币(折扣4200万英镑)的资金。 “It’s only fair that [visitors] make a small contribution so that we can help provide the infrastructure they need and better protect the natural places they enjoy,” said conservation minister Eugenie Sage. 自然保护部长Eugenie Sage表示:“只有游客也尽些绵薄之力才是公平的,因此这样我们才可以为游客提供他们所需要的基础设施并更好地去保护他们所欣赏的自然景点。” 需要掌握的单词或短语: Visa-exempt countries:免签国 Introduce:引进、实施、推行 Surge:猛增、激增 Hiking trails:徒步路线 Raise:募集 文章来源:独立报 编辑:专业翻译公司-上海译锐翻译质控部编辑Susan