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译锐内刊-译界 2012第1期(总第1期)
发布时间:2019-05-08 作者:admin 点击:118

译界摘要  2012年第1期(总第1期)
上海译锐翻译咨询有限公司译审部主办   2012年12月18日出版

在法律法规等资料的中翻英中,我们经常能够遇到“转让”一词。一般来说,比较常见的表达转让意思的单词有transfer,而我们见的最多的转让一词的翻译也是transfer。那么,除了transfer之外,还有其余表达转让意思的词吗?答案是肯定的。根据国外的相关法律法规条文,我们发现,有转让含义的词还包括"delegate”, “assign”, “negotiate”。
我们先说Assign,作为常出现的法律英语单词之一,意思是转让,也可以指受让人,通常指转让权利。在民法和合同法中,assign多指债权让与且常指转让无形财产的权利。如assign the rights to a third party。将权利转让给第三方。
Transfer 的“让与”词义来源于“移交,转移”这个词源含义,因而在移交转移的标的上多为有形物,或实体物,而不论是否是不动产、动产或权益,只要这些权利或物能以有形的形式出现,transfer均可用,在这个意义上来说,transfer表达的转让范围宽泛,是法律英语中表示转让的通用词汇。

1. 一般装订成册者多有页码,唯独此册无之(故本文除指出其错误之外,无法指出错误之页码);
2. 谨以此画册献给为上海市法学会做出贡献的人们!
This pamphlet is respectfully devoted to all those have made contributions to Shanghai Law Society.
原文 “devoted to ”应作“dedicated to” 而“have”前必须加入一个“who” !
3. A magnificent chapter has been composed, which are interweaved with trials and tribulations;
此译文一会儿“has been” (单数),一会儿又 “are interweaved” (复数),自相矛盾!!
5. 让我们欣然回首
Arousing us to reminiscent in vim and vibrancy.
“reminiscent” 能用作动词吗?
6. 1956 年,时任华东政法学院院长的雷经天…
In 1956, Shanghai Law Society was initially proposed by Mr Lei Jingtian the previous president of East China University of Politic and Law.
按: 当时并无 “East China University of Politics and Law” 而只有 “East China Institute of Politics and Law”!
7. 雷经天…时任华东政法学院院长
Mr Lei Jingtian being the president of East China University of Politics and Law
按: 明明是“学院”却在译文中升格为“大学”了。
8. 完成了普法读物《法律常识要览》的编辑,彭真委员长为其题词
with the publication of Legal Knowledge Overview, wich was inscribed by Mr. Peng Zhen
按:旁的姑且慢说, “which”都写成了别字― “wich”!
9. 杨兆龙 黄道
Yang Zhaolong and Huang Diao
按: “黄道”竟译作“黄刁”了!
10.1956 成立,1985年重组
Founded in 1956 and restructured in 1956
按:“1985”误作 “1956”
11. 成立或重组时间
Time of Foundation of Re-organization
12. 把学术研究与立法活动结合起来,积极参与各项立法活动是法学会工作的重要内容
A key content of SLS’s work is to integrate academic research with legislation activities and to take an active part in various legislation actives.
Shanghai Law Science Research and Development : 1991-now
按:“and development” 系衍文,占原文无据!
In 2005, SLS held “the third session of Sino-Japan, Korea international academic seminar on environmental dispute resolution” jointly with East China University of Politics and Law
按: 当时尚未更名为 “East China University of Politics and Law”!
15. By May 1999, the 160 consultation hotline has been substituted…
按: 又大错了! 应作 “the 160 consultation hotlines have been substituted…”
以上所举其类例倒还有呢,就不一一列举了。给纪念册自己留一些余地吧。还有改正的机会。但是要提醒一句:英文广告、路名等问题,都以其污染世博环境而受到制裁 (如《上海法学研究》已由有关部门禁止其标题使用英文有年了),是有案可查的呀!

作者简介: 陈忠诚 (1922――), 前东吴法学院比较法硕士(1949), 华政经济法教授

A series of industrial demonstration projects will be carried out with the focus on the equipment for air pollution control such as the desulfurization and denitration of flue gas and the efficient purification of vehicle exhaust gas, the complete sets of water pollution control equipment such as new denitrification reactors and those for the advanced treatment in denitrification and dephosphorization of urban domestic sewage, the equipment for solid waste disposal such as efficient waste incineration, flue gas treatment and sludge treatment, the special instrument for environmental monitoring such as the online monitoring of heavy metals and ammonia nitrogen, as well as the environmental emergency equipment such as environmental emergency monitoring vehicles and the intercept equipment for oil-water separation and recycling. Efforts will be made to promote the development and demonstration application of the technologies for controlling the heavy metal pollution and soil pollution, and speed up the industrialization of pollution control materials such as high-performance membranes, nanoscale titanium dioxide as the carrier of denitration catalyst, and high efficiency filter media. By 2015, China will have fostered a number of environmental enterprises playing a leading role in the industry and a number of “professional, precision-oriented, distinctive and innovative” enterprises in supportive of environmental protection, and established 10 to 15 industrial bases with high concentration and prominent location advantages for environmental technologies and equipment.

China, a country with an ancient civilization, also has a proud history of urban development. The famous painting Riverside Scene During Qingming Festival vividly captures the life of Kaifeng, a dynamic commercial city in China in the 12th century. Chinese cities are also unique in their own ways. Since the launching of reform and opening0up program over 30 years ago, China has quickened the pace of industrialization and urbanization, with urban population increasing from 170 million to some 700 million. The emergence of a number of city clusters with strong influence and dynamism for development has boosted economic development and social progress.
